

The most important & Funny things about of π (Pi)

Funny things about π (pie)

π = 3.1415926535 ... no end, no pattern

March 14th is written 3/14 according to the American method.  The approximate value of for measuring the circumference and area of ​​a circle is 3.14, which coincides with the figures for this date.  For the same reason, March 14th is celebrated as 'Pie Day'.  Coincidentally, this date is also the birthday of the great scientist Albert Einstein.  In many schools abroad, students celebrate this day by jokingly eating pie.  However, mathematical pie (π) and cake-like pie pie spells are different.

About four thousand years ago, the people of Babylonian culture knew that if the radius of a circle were to be multiplied by 4, the approximate area of ​​the circle could be considered.  Gradually he guessed that taking 3.125 instead of a constant 3 would get a more accurate answer.

Subsequently, an estimate of 3.1605 was built in Egyptian culture.  The Greek mathematician Archimedes first calculated π in the 3rd century BC, and discovered that its value is 22/7.  The value of 22/7 becomes 3.1428, which is true for up to two decimal places.  During the 4th-5th century, our mathematician Aryabhata also independently calculated this value as 3.1416, which is true for three decades.

The value of was then discovered in the 17th century with an accuracy of 35 digits and up to 126 digits in the 19th century.  That is, 3.1415926535 ... M is the error-free value of up to a total of 126 digits!  With the help of modern computers, year-round mathematicians are fixing this value to a large extent.  The last record was set by Swiss researchers in 2021.  He has calculated the value of with an accuracy of about 62,800 billion points.  We may feel like this madness.  Even though the students have to calculate with only π = 3.14, the math examples are eye-watering.  But researchers have found billions of points beyond 3.141592.

Surprisingly, despite finding billions of digits, no pattern could be found between the digits.  For example, dividing 1 by મળે gives 0.3333 ... to infinity, but is repeated infinitely.  This is a sari pattern.  When 5 goes to the infinite number, and there is no logical relationship between the numbers.  That is why 3 is called irrational number.

π cannot be expressed as a common fraction as an irrational number. However 22/7 as a fraction is usually used to estimate it.  Similarly, the decimal representation of ક્યારેય never ends and never stabilizes in a permanently repetitive pattern.  The decimal (or other base) digits of છે are randomly distributed and are inferred to satisfy a certain type of statistical randomness.

■ How is the value of found?

• You can also find the value of sitting at home.  

• For which you have to take a bottle, a bottle whose surface is perfectly round.

• Measure its diameter with a flowerpot.

• Measure the length by sewing the thread used in sewing in a circle around the circle of the bottle.  This is its perimeter.

• Just divide the perimeter by the diameter so that the answer is slightly above 3.  That's ours.

• Do this experiment on a small vial, do it on large spherical droplets, do it on the tires of a bike or do it on a whole spherical planet...  The price will be almost the same.  That is why it is called unchanging.

■ Use of π (pie):

• In real life π is used to find the size of circles, cylinders or spheres, such as circumference, area or volume.

• To calculate the amount of water in the pipe or to calculate the diameter of the pipe

• To calculate the amount of fuel in the tank (fuel tanks are usually spherical cylinders)

• To calculate the area of ​​a circle

• To calculate the circumference of a circle

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