

This is how to do private chat on Whatsapp?

This is how to do private chat on whatsapp. Secret message will be deleted automatically, learn other similar privacy tips. 

Friends, you all must be using Whatsapp. We often use whatsapp. We see a lot of features in it. Of which we only know about some features. While some of the features are for the information of whatsapp, some of them are also helpful for us in chat. Such as Archive, Delete, Broadcast, Pin, Contact, Wallpaper etc.

There are many features present on Whatsapp. Which contains some information. And a lot of features are also found. We are unaware of this. Today we are going to talk about the special features of whatsapp that will help you in chatting (conversation, dialogue). With the help of this you can keep your personal chat secret. 

Although whatsapp is currently under discussion for its policy, it has released many instant features messaging apps. So let us know these special features of whatsapp, which will help you in secret chatting.

● How to do secret setting on whatsapp. 

Secret chat on whatsapp means that no one else can see the message. To do this, you have the option of archive chat or delete the message. But do you use Disappearing features, which automatically delete the message after a few days. It has to be activated by going to settings. So let's find out how these settings work.

First, open the chat of the person you want to delete the chatted message from. Click on the name given on the profile photo. Then it will have the option of Disappearing, turn it on. After that, the message sent to him in the chat will be automatically deleted after seven days.

● PIN on whatsapp (password)

Use a PIN (password) so that no one can open your whatsapp chat later. Whatsapp has the option to set a password.

First, open whatsapp and go to settings. There you have to click on account. Then click Security. Then go to Fit to Fit Step Verification. Then set your PIN.

Now if someone logs your account to another phone they will need that PIN. No one will be able to open your whatsapp in another phone without your consent.

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